
Start Here

  • Registered for classes?
  • Finalized your loans?
  • Set up a payment plan?
  • Paid your student account bill?

Student Financial and Registration Services is a customer service organization bringing together the offices of Student Financial Assistance, Student Accounts, and Registrar in a friendly, centralized, service-culture setting. The Student Services Hub, located on the Ground Floor of the University Student Center, provides a personalized experience for students looking for service support.

Need in-person support?





Student Financial Assistance

Visit the Office of Student Financial Assistance for help with:

  • Applying for aid: loans, grants, scholarships, and work-study
  • Calculating your cost of attendance and eligibility for financial aid
  • Filling out the FAFSA and GW Loan Questionnaire

Student Accounts Office

Visit the Student Accounts Office for help with:

  • Understanding your bill and the online billing system (Student Account eBill)
  • Current tuition rates and other fees
  • Changes to your bill when you add and drop courses

Office of the Registrar

Visit the Office of the Registrar for help with:

  • Registering for classes
  • Getting transcripts or certification of student status
  • Staying on track for graduation


Undergraduate students, please complete GW's Fall Check-In Survey by October 17, 2024.